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Estate Expense & IHT Funding

Accelerate estate administration

Release up to 60% of your Inheritance

During the administration period of an estate (i.e. the period after death, but before the estate assets have been distributed to beneficiaries) there are certain administration, testamentary and tax costs to be paid. Estate Administration Fees (excluding Inheritance Tax (‘IHT’)) can cost around 5% of the estate value.

If the estate is unable to pay these, it may delay the process of planning a funeral, grant of probate, selling assets and ultimately paying out the inheritance to the beneficiaries.


Level’s estate expense & IHT funding allows executors to unlock a proportion of the estate to pay IHT, funeral costs and other estate liabilities such as:

  • Property repairs and maintenance

  • Property clearance costs

  • Professional fees such as probate, valuers and surveyors

This has the benefit of providing financial support to executors or personal representatives liable for paying the testamentary expenses, as well ensuring that the beneficiaries will receive their inheritance as soon as possible.

Apply Now?

Is a professional firm administering the estate?
Type of funding required
Does a Will exist?
This estate is being administered in the UK

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For more information about how to work with us, our loan criteria, costs and repayments, please read our FAQs. If you have any other questions, we’re here to help.

Further Reading

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